
Jumple Home is up and running!

It is the new on-demand class platform of Jumple Academy. Now you can follow a Jumple classes from anywhere and any time you want,.

In this first edition, you have available 5 classes of Jumple Evolution program, of the begining level. In addition, it also includes the Jumple Zero class. It's a class about the correct use of Jumper1 and the basic steps, very useful if you are using jumpers for the first time.

You have free access to Home Jumple Evolution if you have recently purchased a Jumper1+, you will have received with it a free access code to the platform, you can enter the code at the following link:

Access to Home Jumple Evolution >>


If you don't have the Jumper1+ and want to enjoy the Jumple Home classes, or give them as a gift to someone else interested in practicing with the jumpers, you can get access for 19'90€.  The access includes 5 Jumple Evolution classes beginner level + Jumple Zero class

Get the accces to Home Jumple Evolution>>

If this is the first time you use the Jumper1, follow the tips for your first jumps and some of the video tutorials on the steps that may appear during Jumple classes. The Jumple step tutorials, 3 people appear, corresponding to the different execution levels: beginner (center), intermediate (left) and advanced (right).



Vendaje preventivo del tobillo (figura de 8)

Este vendaje no es necesario cuando se practica con muy poca frecuencia, pero sí altamente recomendable cuando la práctica es habitual, o para profesionales Jumple.






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