This was the launch of Jumple Evolution, the new programme of training with jumpers
After months of hard work with Jumple professionals from all over the world, own research, review of publications, design, and creation of materials... Jumple Academy has launched the first of its new training programmes!
This big event deserved a big stage to be presented, and so it was. Find out how the event was.
This big event deserved a big stage to be presented, and so it was. Find out how the event was.
The venue chosen for the launch
The venue chosen for this powerful evolution jump in the sector of exercise with jumpers (known as "rebound exercise" to many) was the magnificent Arnold Sports Festival Europe. This fitness festival, captained by Arnold Schwarzenegger and held in Seville (Spain), is a great meeting place for followers and professionals of many different sports.
An event of this nature and magnitude was ideal for the launch. On the one hand, because it attracts a large public in search of novelties, as well as followers of other disciplines. And many of them were able to get to know the exercise with jumpers for the first time.
On the other hand, both Aerower and Jumple Academy have as one of their main objectives to be at the forefront of fitness and training. And being present at places like the Arnold Sports Festival Europe makes it possible to get to know and observe the latest trends live.
The launch of this new programme marked the starting point for the worldwide revival of the exercise with jumpers or rebound boots. That's why we did everything we could to have the lovers of this great discipline by our side no matter where they were. To achieve this, the event could be followed from anywhere in the world for free, as it was broadcast in its entirety on Aerower YouTube channel and the official Jumple Academy Facebook page.
In addition, throughout the weekend we were also able to enjoy several live Jumple classes from different instructors and trainers that made all the visitors who passed by our stage jump. These live shows took place not only on Facebook, but also on the official Instagram accounts of Aerower Official and Aerower Spain.
The official Aerower and Jumple Academy networks, along with the newsletter, were also the places where we had previously revealed a lot of information about the importance of this new training programme and about the launch event itself at the Arnold Sports Festival Europe. They are the place where we shared all our experiences!
(All live and full broadcasts of the event are still available on our official channels).

The launch of this unique fitness programme had two distinct parts. The first part was the presentation of Aerower, Jumple Academy and Jumple Evolution. This presentation was intended to be interesting both for people who are already familiar with jumpers and Jumple Academy, and for those who were seeing this eye-catching discipline for the first time at the Arnold Sports Festival Europe.
The second part of the launch was a demonstration masterclass of the new programme. We are talking about the first masterclass designed according to the new Jumple Evolution programme! It was a very special moment that could be enjoyed for free by everyone who was there and by all those who followed the broadcast from home. A great experience, very exciting, we felt that we were moving forward together.
A curiosity: the music session of the masterclass contained references to Terminator and the clothes worn by the trainers were also inspired by the saga. The reason is that at the Arnold Sports Festival we thought it would be fun to pay a little tribute to Arnold Schwarzenegger. As a result, it will always be remembered that the first Jumple Evolution class was Terminator-themed, as a testament to where the programme was launched.

For the first part of the launch, we were fortunate to have the presence of CEO of Aerower, Carlos Peydró, and the Director of Jumple Academy, Carol Pina. Carlos, logically, was in charge of talking briefly about Aerower and its commitment to the Jumple Academy project, and how the Jumper1 works, the most advanced jumpers or rebound boots on the market. Carol, for her part, gave a summary of all the new features that Jumple Evolution brings with it and the renovation that it represents for the sector of this discipline and fitness in general.
For the second part, the first Jumple Evolution masterclass, we had the presence of three international Jumple trainers, who have also collaborated in the development of the new programme. We are talking about Desiré Foncubierta, Anabel Sáez and Rodrigo Bertanha. Together with Carol Pina, they made us vibrate as we had rarely done before. A Jumple class is not forgotten, and on these great occasions they are engraved in our memory in an even more powerful way.

Lo que supone el lanzamiento de Jumple Evolution está indicado su propio nombre. Este nuevo programa de entrenamiento supone una verdadera evolución en el sector, como podrás comprobar muy pronto en cualquiera de los cursos Jumple para convertirte en instructor. Hay dos razones principales por las que podemos considerar a este nuevo programa de entrenamiento una gran evolución.
What the launch of Jumple Evolution is all about is clear from the name itself. This new training programme is a real evolution in the industry, as you will soon see on any of the Jumple instructor training courses the Jumple instructor training courses. There are two main reasons why we can consider this new training programme a major evolution.
The first reason is because it has come to renew the previous Jumple programme, launched in 2016. In this way, Jumple Evolution becomes the most updated jumper workout programme (known by others as rebound exercise or kangoo). It should be remembered that, prior to the appearance of the Jumple programme, no methodological update had been carried out for decades. The methodological update of Jumple Evolution is based on innovation that arises from the incorporation of the study of biomechanics applied to jumpers and the observation of the latest trends in fitness.
And the main methodological update of Jumple Evolution is precisely the second reason why the programme has been given this name. Thanks to the session planning system that has been developed for this Jumple programme, the workouts evolve over time. In this way, anyone, regardless of their starting point, will be able to make constant progress.
In future blog posts, we will explain in more detail the great innovation that the arrival of Jumple Evolution brings to jumping and rebounding enthusiasts like you. Share if this post has helped you and remember to leave a comment if you have any suggestions.
Jumple Evolution is The instinct challenge!